Saturday, June 27, 2009

Atheists Rejoice!

I have concrete proof there is no God....

This movie exists

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wait a minute...

Has anyone noticed that the little kid from Cop and a Half looks and acts exactly like Samuel L. Jackson?


Psh, of course you have. Sorry for insulting your intelligence.

But seriously, throw a Kangol hat on that kid and you could convince me that the ten year old Samuel L. Jackson found a time machine and sent himself to the year 1993 to star alongside Burt Reynolds... 

or maybe Henry Winkler had access to a time machine, went back to 1958, grabbed Sammy L, brought him to Hollywood circa 1993 and then directed Cop and a Half.

Oh by the way Henry Winkler (the Fonz) directed Cop and a Half. I am full of so much awesome celebrity info today it's refunkulous

Oh Fuey!... Kung Fuey that is

In a crazy turn of events David Carradine, star of the 70's television action-karatefest Kung Fu, was found dead on June 3rd in Bangkok, Thailand.  He was apparently found hanging naked in his hotel closet. At first the police thought it was a suicide but the rope tied around his dick made the homicide detectives ponderously stroke their mustaches. Blah blah how crazy, David Carradine died while performing  a version of auto erotic asphyxiation that even weirder than normal auto erotic asphyxiation blah blah blah... that's not what's important and interesting. Want to know what is?

David Carradine's brother is none other than Robert Carradine!
Robert fucking Carradine!

You know... Robert?...Carradine?

Ugh you people are impossible

The Kung Fu guy's brother is Louis Skolnick from Revenge of the Nerds, brah!

See, now the story is interesting 

It is actaully pretty sad that David Carradine parished so in his honor I'm going to "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" him.

David Carradine was in Kill Bill with Uma Thurman who was in Johnny Be Good with Robert Downey Jr. who was in Bowfinger with Heather Graham who was in Boogie Nights with Don Cheadle who was in Ocean's 11 with Brad Pitt who got raped by Kevin Bacon in Sleepers. 

I know that was seven degrees but I wasn't a huge fan of David Carradine so I'm not going to sweat it.  R.I.P you karate kicking crusader (more alliteration!)

Wait, do you count just the actors when you play Six Degree of Kevin Bacon or the actors and the movies? Let me know asap.