Monday, August 24, 2009

Scandalous Scandals!

Boobs!!! So new nude photos of Vanessa Hudgens have surfaced. For those of you who don't know who Vanessa Hudgens is, she's the girl who went to that high school where everyone sang and danced sporadically... I think it's in Michigan. She had a nude photo hit da web about 2 years ago and everyone peed and pooed about it and NOW THERE'S MORE!! I for one am appalled (my penis however is not). Anywho, it's a big stinky deal because her lawyer is saying that she took those pictures when she was 17 and nude 17 year old girls on the web is mad illegal. 

This is pretty big news but I have even bigger news. 
Underage nude pictures of Selena Gomez, who is a Disney tart similar to Vanessa, were hacked from her cell phone and put online.... and I have them! Here you go, perverts

Selena clothed

Selena's dirty underage nude photo...

Whoever hacked into Selena's phone and posted this photo should be in fucking Riker's. Selena Gomez isn't even 18 years old! She shouldn't be looked at as a sex symbol let alone be shown in the buck! Let's hope the hacker is found, strangled, chopped up, put in a suitcase,  and thrown in a dumpster. The person who does this should then call the police, report the hacker missing, then kill himself after he realizes he's not getting away with the murder. The guy who killed the hacker should also win the third season of VH1's I Love Money, which has yet to be aired.

If anyone can name the murder story I just alluded to through my bullshit story  I'll give you a prize*!

*I won't give you a prize

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